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Linda Barlow Mosha

Dr. Linda Barlow-Mosha, MD MPH is a paediatrician and Senior Investigator at MU-JHU Care Ltd, Uganda with over 15 years of experience. She heads the HIV paediatric, adolescent and youth research domain. Dr Barlow-Mosha leads a varied portfolio of research that addresses critical scientific questions in pediatric HIV care and treatment as well as birth defects surveillance.

She is the Senior Program Manager of the Birth Defect Surveillance Project in Uganda. Dr. Barlow-Mosha has been involved in the development of international and national guidelines for HIV prevention, care, and treatment and is a member of the IMPAACT HIV Scientific Treatment Committee.

Her clinical and research interests are in complications of paediatric HIV infection, antiretroviral drug resistance and pharmacokinetics, birth defects, and learning disabilities. Dr Barlow-Mosha received her training from Johns Hopkins University (BA, and MPH), Howard University (MD) and Thomas Jefferson University (paediatrics).
