Between 14th- 17th May in Cotonou, Benin we had a team of research scientists present study findings to a gathering of over 700 delegates at the just concluded INTEREST 2024.
The conference provided a great opportunity for our team to attend scientific lectures, listen to oral abstract presentations, debate, attend skill-building sessions and panel discussions as well as network at the sponsored symposia.
Our Presentations
Dr. Joselyne Nansimbe gave a mini- oral presentation as well as a poster presentation titled “Exploring Pregnant Women’s Experiences with Vaginal Ring Insertion during the Mtn-042/ Deliver Study at MU-JHU Care Limited Kampala, Uganda”. Her study sample was 154 women with 112 using the Dapivirine varginal ring. From her findings 65% of the participants found the self insertion easy to use.
Dr. Flavia Matovu Kiweewa gave an oral presentation in the main auditorium titled titled “Impact of current initiation of Depovera injectable contraception and TDF containing ART in adult women living with HIV”. In her presentation she shared that initiation of TDF containing ART in new users of Depo-Provera resulted in greater loss in bone mass compared to current users of Depo-Provera. We recommend bone sparing contraceptive and ART regimen in women living with HIV.
Dr. Phionah Kibalama Ssemambo provided a poster presentation titled, ” Interest in seeking post-trial prep services by postpartum women in Uganda: A case for MTN-042/ DELIVER Study”. Her study results showed low interest and she suggested that more data is needed to assess HIV risk perception among this demographic.
The annual INTEREST Conference is the premier scientific conference for HIV in Africa and brings together scientists involved in HIV treatment, pathogenesis, and prevention research from around the world. The conference will showcase cutting-edge knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of HIV and the prevention of the HIV-1 infection. Additionally, it will continue to foster building a community of African physicians and scientists to facilitate the implementation of local solutions for the management of patients living with HIV-1 infection and for the prevention of HIV transmission. For more information go to